I had a crazy dream last night. I had a dream that i went on a date with a guy who took me out to dinner and actually payed for me. Not only was he funny but he was polite and opened doors for me as well. He didn't have a voice that was too high or too low, and his laugh wasn't obnoxious, on the contrary it was very pleasing. He looked like Justin Long, drove a motorcycle, and was in a band. The best part is that i didn't have to wait by the phone for days or refresh my
facebook page so many times my computer froze. He was the type of guy that didn't make you regret putting the time and effort into getting a bikini wax. Oh lets not forget that he likes bands like Joy Division, The Clash, New Order, and The Smiths.
Then i woke up and hit my head on the bead post...
Well a girl can dream.
By Luna
VirgenWho tells you how to act? who tells you how to act!? Boys
don't know how to , and I ask you who tells you how to act?
No seriously am sick of guessing what you mean , what you feel. I hate how you stare at me and then act like a jerk. Yeah Ive seen your eyes light up when you see me, still you do nothing. I
don't mind because I really
don't know you, and I can forget you, but
you ll regret it for sure.
Baby you can drive around, baby you can look around, and baby then just ask me out...
If I could make a little film to show you all of me, happy, sad, playful, angry, and in love... I would send it to you by dawn , and you would watch it till twilight , hopefully dream about my smile, and would you want to
provoke it with your very own laughter?
By Deer Onmoon