Q: Hi guys! So I have been wondering this for a while. You guys have all the girls on your nuts, Do you prefer playing the field or going out with one person seriously?
Ben: It all depends, if its a special person like evan, then I want him for the long run. (he thinks for a couple of seconds) Never mind id rather play the field.
Q: Haha! Thats quite interesting. Would you prefer getting baked goods, flowers, or or underwear from a girl?
Evan: Baked goods! My grandmothers an insane baker. Cookies are pretty bomb.
Ben: If it looks like shit, i dont want it. If it doesnt then ill eat it. Im talking about baked goods. Theres nothing you can really do with underwear. Im not one of those creeps.
Q:Would you find it hot if megan fox was laying down naked on top of a synth?
Evan: That would be interesting. Yes, i would. Im not sure shed fit.
Q:Blond or Brunette?
Evan: brunette.
Ben: It all depends on ethnicity. I like the chick on modern family. (he points down) It doesnt discriminte....
Q: Beyonce or Rhianna?
Evan: Beyonce. Rhiannas a skinny bitch.
Ben: Beyonce! Have you seen her legs? Oh my God! shes like a godess! And that ass...
Q: Wow you really like Beyonce. If you had to go out with a man who would it be and why?
Ben: I dont want to sound cliche, but Brad Pitt. Although i didnt like his long blond hair in troy. He has nice pecks. Actually Tom Cruise because HE KNOWS HOW TO SUCK. I could be the man in that relationship.
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