So its almost new year. Maibe your year sucked, maibe it was amazing, or if your like me it was okay so so could have been better. Do you remember your new years resolutions from last year? If you are like me you dont. Or you pretend like you dont so that you arent forced to admit that 9 out of 10 didnt come true, because you didnt follow threw with them. HAHAHAHA last year i actually said id go to the gym 3 hours EVERY single day. So this year my new year resoulutions are going to be a little more real. Now that im a little older i think im mature enough to make all of my new years resolutions come true.
Here are a few of mine:
1. Im going to get my god damn permit. Im going to DRIVE! Ill admit this was on my list last year but after i crashed my moms mercedes and my grandfathers bug all in the same summer during my yearly visit to mexico, i was a little nervous to get behind the wheel, But my confedince has been restored and i no longer think im a vehicular menice.
2.I will PARTY hard and STUDY hard. I get decent grades. I will admit that i party as much as i can but i think i could party more and get better grades. So that is what im going to do.
3.I plan on losing weight but not by exercising. Im pretty sure that never works. ill just sleep more, eat less, dance dance dance.
4. Im going to help people as much as i can. I mean i dont think you can expect to get and never give. Life doesnt work like that unfortunatly, and i want to get a lot. SO in return all give a lot. =)
5. A two month trip to europe seems perfect. I need to practice my french and it wouldnt hurt to speak spanish in barcelona, although i heard they make fun of people with mexican accents. A couple of nights clubbing in camden would be awesome, but my mom wouldnt want to pay for everything so id deffenetly need to get a job. The whole selling shoes to people with foot fetishes isnt going as well as i thought. The resetion is pretty bad i guess.
I hope every one has an amazing new years! Be realistic when making your new years resolutions. ps. I know its tradition to kiss someone on new years, but if u dont know the person you can never be sure if they have herpes of the face. Be safe!