I found out that a good family friend died Thursday. His name was Victor Carranza. He also happens to be an amazing designer. I'm sad to see such a creative man leave the world. He died in a car accident a long with his mother who was in the car with him. He had just finished working on a project dedicated to the iconic actress, Marilyn Monroe. The line was called House of Monroe.
This came as a shock to both me and my mother, who grew up with him. We were talking about going on a trip to New York city to visit Victor just a few hours before my mother got the devastating call. A few hours can really change a lot. Death has been present in my life so much this year. I have had to overcome some pretty rough times in the past months, but with every tragedy you become more aware of whats important.
You don't realize how much you depend on your family until you are faced with tragedy. Like Marilyn Monroe said, "Things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they are right".
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