I recently bought an Archie comic book (a Betty and Veronica Digest actually) and as I flipped through, I started thinking when will a movie be made of the popular comics?
A T.V. movie was made in 1990 (I can't remember if I saw it or not), Archie: To Riverdale Back and Again depicting what happened to Archie and the gang 15 years after their high school graduation.
The 40's born comic book star Archie has been in the news more recently however, last year in 2009 when it was announced he finally chooses between Betty and Veronica. Although news traveled fast that he picked Veronica, turns out however, he was just dreaming. In one dream he sees his future where he marries Veronica and in another dream, with Betty.
With the most important Archie Comics news in Riverdale history revealed, you'd think movie producers (at least one) would jump to want to turn the comic into a film.
But so far, unfortunately, nope.
As I flipped through the comic, my mind started working and I put together an Archie cast if the comics were made into a movie. I actually did this years ago but the actors and actresses I chose now are a lot more dead on.
Here it goes:
Archie the Movie
Archie the Movie
Archie Andrews

Played by...

La Beouf is my top choice for Archie because of his boyish looks and charming, loveable, personality and clumsiness he displays in his roles (Disturbia, Transformers series) a la Riverdale's cute, red headed, clumsy Archie Andrews.
LeBeouf is my top pick because he's been good at the girl crazy, klutzy roles he's played (Disturbia) Archie is cute, girl crazy and clumsy, very likable and popular. LaBeouf is boyishly cute and has played likable characters so far. Dye his hair red and he's the perfect Archie.
(Justin Long)
Fresh-faced Long would make a great Archie as well with the nervous, fun energy he often displays in his roles (Jeepers Creepers, Valentine's Day).

The pop singer/actor (Alpha Dog) already looks so much like Archie--- his hair would just have to be dyed. The only downside is he hasn't had enough acting experience under his belt to maybe take on such a popular character. But that could work for him. Out of all the Archie maybes I chose, Timberlake probably would sell the most tickets for sure.

With that smile, he has the most boyish quality out of all the actors I listed to play Archie, which is a good thing. He looks like the boy next door and Archie was just that. He's popular on television with the Supernatural series, but playing Archie could be his big breakout role into more lead movie roles.

Hatosy (John Q) already has the red hair going on and a baby face, which makes him perfect looking to play Archie. Unfortunately he's not a big enough actor to take the role of Archie Andrews.

Snow was the first person who popped into my head when I thought of sweet, down to earth Betty Cooper. Snow's roles are usually the nice girl (Prom Night) and she plays them well. I think she'd ace Betty.

Moore would make a great Betty because she has that sweet quality about her. Her roles are mostly nice girls (A Walk to Remember). Plus Moore is such a great actresses she wouldn't have trouble living up to Betty's character.

Dunst would make a good Betty with the kindness and smarts she often portrays in most of her roles (Spiderman series, ).
Dunst (Virgin Suicides) would make a good Betty, not so much for her sweet side, but for her sporty side, intellectual.

Johansson is often known for her sexiness but she has a soft quality to her (The Other Boleyn Girl). It would be fun seeing her sexiness toned down and playing Betty.
Played by...
Megan Fox looks exactly like Veronica Lodge.
She's the only actress I can see playing the gorgeous, rich, bitchy, superficial Veronica.
This probably would be the role Fox (Jennifer's Body) was meant to play. And although she's not the best actress in Hollywood she would play Veronica as Veronica is written.

Efron really resembles the handsome, cocky Reggie Mantle almost to the tee. Efron is known for playing nice guy roles (Charlie St. Cloud) so it would be great seeing him play a bastard for once. I don't doubt he could pull it off.

Gigandet already looks Reggie-ish with his blond hair darker. Seeing how great he can be as a bad guy (Never Back Down) he would be too good playing Reggie.

Lautner's grin at times can look like a smirk and Reggie is king smirk-er. Lautner has played good guys so far (Twilight series) so it would be cool seeing him being arrogant.
(Penn Badgley)
Badgley has the bad boy look of Reggie in the bag. He hasn't done too many films and is known mostly for his character on the t.v. show Gossip Girl but successful playing Reggie Mantle would change that.Jughead Jones

There's no one else I see as playing skinny, hamburger eating, crown wearing, sarcastic Jughead than Sevani. He has the look and the personality. He's played the borderline cool/uncool guy (Step Up 2 & 3) down pat before so he'd do Jughead justice.
(Ryan Gosling)
Gosling is known for mostly serious roles (Half Nelson, Fracture), so seeing him playing such a fun character as Jughead would be really great.
Played by...

I would like to see Worthington (Avatar), who usually plays smart characters, play dumb Moose. He's got the body. Now he just needs to lose the brains.

Tatum is known for his rough around the edges roles (Fighting) and for that, I think he would make a good, always up for a fight, Moose.
Played by...

Who else could play Dilton? Wood has the nerd role (The Faulty) perfected. All he needs is genius Dilton's black rimmed glasses.

Cera is the new "in" nerdy guy and he plays the part well (Superbad). He'd make a good Dilton.
Is Luke in this picture Chuck come to life or what? Derek Luke, an underrated good actor (Antwone Fisher), has been MIA in film for a bit. It would be great seeing him play Chuck the athlete.

Short would also be great as Chuck. Chuck is very popular and friendly and Short, who plays mostly personable roles (Stomp the Yard) would have no problem nailing that.
Ethel Muggs

Greer is my top choice for the lanky, Jughead obsessed Ethel come alive on the big screen. She plays nerdy girls so well (Jawbreaker). She's not the biggest actress but the roles she plays are always great.

Lewis (Natural Born Killers) just based on her looks would be a great choice to play Ethel.
(Heather Matarazzo)
Matarazzo is apt to playing eccentric, loser charcters it seems (Welcome to the Dollhouse, Saved!)--- so her playing Ethel would be easy.

Knightley usually plays serious roles (Atonement) so it would be nice seeing her play a silly role.
Kristen Stewart (Twilight series) would be good as Ethel for the thin part mostly, but I think with work, she could be a good Ethel. Seeing her with all of Ethel's energy would be a sight.

Ricci (Black Snake Moan) is perfect to play cute, tiny (well compared to her huge boyfriend Moose) Midge.
Kunis (American Psycho 2) has the look petite, cutesy that makes her equally great as Midge.

Davis (Prom Night) would be a very good choice for Chuck's artistic girlfriend Nancy. More a T.V. actresses, the role could give her a bigger break into movie acting.
Saldana (Star Trek) could be a great Nancy also.
Played by...

Dewan was the first actresses I thought of when I thought of the sexy, redhead Cheryl Blossom. Her sexy breakout role in the relatively unheard of horror film, Tamara is the reason why.

Johansson can play sexy good (Iron Man 2). With dyed hair as pictured and some attitude, she'd be a good Cheryl.
Played by...

Devito (Batman Returns) is my number one choice. Doesn't he look just like Archie's principal Mr. Weatherbee?

This is Mr. Lodge. Farina's toughness (Out of Sight) would be dead on for Veronica's fatherly over-protectiveness as Mr. Lodge

(Robert DeNiro)
DeNiro (Meet the Parents series) would be another great choice to for Mr. Lodge. He just needs the mustache.
DeNiro (Meet the Parents series) would be another great choice to for Mr. Lodge. He just needs the mustache.

Played by...
(John Goodman)
Goodman (Roseanne t.v. series) would make a great Pop Tate, already having the look (sans the mustache) and friendly personality of Riverdale's popular Chock'lit Shoppe.
Seeing Gandolfini, known for his mobster roles on T.V. (The Sopranos) and in movies (The Juror), in an apron and cooking as Pop Tate of the Chocklit Shoppe, would be memorable.
Miss Grundy

Played by...

Mirren (The Queen) is lovelier, but her silver hair makes her a dead ringer for the bun wearing, strict yet caring teacher, Miss Grundy.
Now this would be a dream Archie cast!
The only news about an Archie film being made was in 2003:
Archie Comics fans have been patient enough. Hopefully we'll be seeing an Archie film (with some of these actors & actresses!) sometime very soon!
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