-I finally bought a laptop, which has pretty much been the best investment ever. Sitting on the couch while writing these posts is much better than sitting at a desk. Speaking of posts, 2010 was my busiest year with over 300 posts. That is kind of exciting (or lame depending on your POV).
-I went to a bunch of sporting events this year. A few in Pittsburgh, a couple in Altoona, and one over at State College. I also got to enjoy tailgating for the Blue/White game and the Temple game. I even made a trip to Washington D.C. to see the Nationals and Pirates play. Speaking of awesome sporting events, I experienced two firsts: my first Pens game and my first regular season Steelers game. I also got to see Stephen Strasburg make his minor league debut against the Curve.
-This was also a very sad year since two of my favorite TV shows ended: Lost and 24. I actually did a couple of special things to commemorate such great shows (even though 24 constantly pissed me off with some of its stupid story lines). My Best of 24 was pretty cool (at least I thought so), yet none of you jerks commented on it. Also, I was so impressed with my Lost GOTW and the amount of work I put into it, and again, no one really noticed. I think it caused me to die a little inside that no one said how awesome it was...
I will post it again for your enjoyment, only in a slightly smaller version. Do not strain your eyes too much trying to enjoy all the hotties.
-There were plenty of great TV shows in 2010. In fact, this year was a much better television than movie year. Mad Men, Always Sunny, Justified, Boardwalk Empire, Treme, True Blood, Sons of Anarchy, Archer, The Walking Dead, and The League. Also there were plenty of enjoyable shows like Warehouse 13, Eureka, White Collar, Human Target, and Supernatural. I am sure I am forgetting some.

-I will not list all the books I read over 2010. It was not nearly as many as years past, I think my total was only thirteen. Granted, five of those books were around 1000 pages each, so it was probably about the same amount of reading as previous years.
-The biggest thing to happen in 2010 though was the changes in my life. I met Lindsey and we moved in together up here in New Germany. She makes me incredibly happy and I feel like a better person because of her. If she is reading up to this point, I hope she knows how much I love her. Sorry to the rest of you for having to read a little personal stuff.
-Now on to the best of list...
Best Movie: This is a tough one, it comes down to Kick-Ass and Inception. Many people will say The Social Network was the best movie, and I definitely thought it was good, but I look at it from the stand point of which movie will I watch more than once? Which of those movies will I stop when I see they are on HBO and watch them from wherever they are in the film. I would have to say that award goes to Kick-Ass.
Best TV Show: All those great shows listed above, yet it comes down to two: Mad Men and Sons of Anarchy. I could not wait every week to watch these two shows. And I usually watched the episodes again during their reshowing. SOA was great, but did not compare to last season and at times I felt like the Tara storyline was dragging on. MM does not have the action, but it just holds you in it's thrall each week. It is hard to explain to people why it is such a good show. Anyways, that was the best show in my opinion.
Best Book: Only three of the books I read this year actually came out in 2010. I think the best one of that small group was Are We Winning? It was a great book and I pretty much recommend it to any baseball fan.
Best Comic Book: I will not lie, I have not read many comics this year. In fact, I stopped getting individual issues and decided just to get trades. Of everything I read, I would say that The Walking Dead is still the best on-going series I read. Maybe 2011 will be a better year.
Anyways, that is my thoughts on 2010. Who knows what 2011 will hold for me...
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