For approximately 89% of our lives, Holdfast and Bellacozy have lingered on the outskirts of popularity, ostracized by our own interests and intelligence. Leaps and bounds beyond our peers mentally, we are socially stunted because of our love of wisdom and interesting facts, happily cloistered in libraries and movie theatres whilst others our age canoodled, partied, went to football games or paint-huffing socials. Even now, several years into adulthood, intelligence is not a prized commodity - but much to our horror, the notion of being "nerdy" has sprung into great new-found popularity.
Be warned - we. in fact are actual information addicts, so this post contains a shit ton of photographic evidence, and lots and lots of bitching inter-spliced, so you've got some scrolling ahead of you.
We cannot begin to convey how wretched it makes us feel to know that the act of wearing glasses is now as popular as breathing air, when once we were humiliated by being helpless without them. The good side to this is now spectacles are accepted in polite society and a plethora of beautiful frames are available to us, however, in no time at all we were able to skim the depths of the internet for hundreds of thousands of images of youths al over the world with lens-less ray-bans, calling themselves nerdy. Blasphemy and deceit, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, it is no surprise to us that social human beings are highly artificial. We like to stress to children that honesty is a wonderful, golden thing, but our society runs on lies. One could not, upon arriving late to a business meeting, say that they were detained due to the uncontrollable urge to masturbate. People for ages have adorned certain fashions without a second thought of the intrinsic meaning. There are plenty of fur-wearing women who love animals, or people who wave the rebel flag without acknowledging its slave-driving roots.
BC HF is in no way exempt from hypocricy. Devoted readers may note that only six months ago we posted an entry about how much we love glasses, and we do, rest assured. It may seen a bit contradictory, however to swoon over glasses' newfound modern popularity and they rip a new one for the people who wear them. We allow that a significant portion of the populus has ocular weakness, in which case, wear those glasses, please see. What gets our goat is how easy it has now become for someone to identify themselves as a "nerd" while we have struggled with it our lives over.
The whole geek fad hits us just a little too close to home.
Once there was a time where I made a point to take off my glasses to get my picture taken, and now people put on frames they have gotten for free at the movie theatre and then poped the 3d lenses out of just to sit in front of their webcam.
This is not the first time that being a societal outcast has been a popular thing. "Punk" used to be a derogatory term, not a subset of highschool cliques following "cheerleader" or "hot asian." If businesses like Hot Topic can make money selling it, it isn't non-conformity. Everyone loves and underdog they say, but really it seems people like the popularized socially acceptable underdog far more than actually accepting ostracized members of society for who they are. This is why real nerds are still unpopular, and continue to be called freaks and weirdos. Maybe I should put my money where my mouth is an accept these freaks who wear fake glasses and call themselves nerds just because they like the Harry Potter movies, they are people, too, afterall.
I might welcome them, but I haven't finished wallowing in the sea of roiling ire yet.
So what actually defines someone as a nerd, anyway? The tables haven't really been turned, we just have an outpourring of people who say one thing and do another, this time wearing glasses. Most of what we at BCHF consider to be legitimately geeky is a combination of social ineptitude and love of knowledge. Seems simple enoughm but these days they find ways to bastardize anything, and I have to stress it takes more than liking video games and main-stream fantasy to make you truly nerdy. True nerds like to delve as deeply and obscurely as they possibly can into various subjects, often the more nebulous the more appealing. Here is a very brief list of some things most Hot Topic "nerds" don't really want to talk about, but if any of them interest you then welcome aboard.
Czech animators
Anthropology, not Anthropologie
Special FX makeup and staged gore
Movies you can't even find on Netflix
Outsider Artists, such as our favorite, Henry Darger
Eastern European etchings
Horrible things that have happened in history
Thinking in general or being able to occupy oneself without any external stimuli
Foreign policy and how none of it works
Comic Books not necessarily created by Marvel or DC, or based on motion pictures
Set Design
Model Building
How the human brain and body work
What animals look like without their skin, or as only skin
How to create pigment using natural compounds
Taxidermy forms
Diagrams of anything
Taking things apart whether or not you put them back together again
Where our food comes from
Anything concerning worldly problems and grievances
Conspiracy Theories
Time-Lapse photography
The creepier and sillier aspects of various religions
Rareties of any kind and prizing their acquisition
The evolution of language
Art History
How various organisms defecate and similarily, how to replicate different types of scatological matter in artificial but highly-believable form
Cartoons from around the world
Learning anything, or being interested
Human psychology, Body language, and sociology
And so much more....
Whereas we get looked at as though we are extra-terrestrials for going on about various amazing and obscure historical facts, or the roots of various symbols in film, these young cats wear oversized glasses and need not even crack open a book. If we were to approach any of them and attempt a discussion about the difference between medieval german witch trials and more modern17th century American ones*. (Asterix means there is a footnote to be found at the bottom of the page, for anyone who has never had to writer a research paper.)
I don't know who started pumping out clear-glass knock-off Wayfarers, but they certainly have ruined my life just a tiny bit more than usual.
The fact of the matter is, there will never be a lack of actual nerds, but these days you can bet your ass they aren't the folk at the coffee shop who are wearing goofy spectacles. No, these days true geekery is pushed even further into the outskirts of society. Now we are even less accepted because we have to compete with the popularized version of ourselves.
*This is actually pretty interesting for those of you who like gruesome facts. Whereas durring the Salem witch trials they tied a woman to the stake and then started the fire around her, in Germany a few hundred years before (I know this because of Carl Theodor Dreyer's Day of Wrath) they would have the flaming pyre already started, tie the woman to the pole on the ground, raise her up and then drop her face-first into the flames.
Be warned - we. in fact are actual information addicts, so this post contains a shit ton of photographic evidence, and lots and lots of bitching inter-spliced, so you've got some scrolling ahead of you.
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It is easier than you may think to tell when lenses are fake or non-existant. |
We cannot begin to convey how wretched it makes us feel to know that the act of wearing glasses is now as popular as breathing air, when once we were humiliated by being helpless without them. The good side to this is now spectacles are accepted in polite society and a plethora of beautiful frames are available to us, however, in no time at all we were able to skim the depths of the internet for hundreds of thousands of images of youths al over the world with lens-less ray-bans, calling themselves nerdy. Blasphemy and deceit, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, it is no surprise to us that social human beings are highly artificial. We like to stress to children that honesty is a wonderful, golden thing, but our society runs on lies. One could not, upon arriving late to a business meeting, say that they were detained due to the uncontrollable urge to masturbate. People for ages have adorned certain fashions without a second thought of the intrinsic meaning. There are plenty of fur-wearing women who love animals, or people who wave the rebel flag without acknowledging its slave-driving roots.
BC HF is in no way exempt from hypocricy. Devoted readers may note that only six months ago we posted an entry about how much we love glasses, and we do, rest assured. It may seen a bit contradictory, however to swoon over glasses' newfound modern popularity and they rip a new one for the people who wear them. We allow that a significant portion of the populus has ocular weakness, in which case, wear those glasses, please see. What gets our goat is how easy it has now become for someone to identify themselves as a "nerd" while we have struggled with it our lives over.
The whole geek fad hits us just a little too close to home.
Once there was a time where I made a point to take off my glasses to get my picture taken, and now people put on frames they have gotten for free at the movie theatre and then poped the 3d lenses out of just to sit in front of their webcam.
This is not the first time that being a societal outcast has been a popular thing. "Punk" used to be a derogatory term, not a subset of highschool cliques following "cheerleader" or "hot asian." If businesses like Hot Topic can make money selling it, it isn't non-conformity. Everyone loves and underdog they say, but really it seems people like the popularized socially acceptable underdog far more than actually accepting ostracized members of society for who they are. This is why real nerds are still unpopular, and continue to be called freaks and weirdos. Maybe I should put my money where my mouth is an accept these freaks who wear fake glasses and call themselves nerds just because they like the Harry Potter movies, they are people, too, afterall.
I might welcome them, but I haven't finished wallowing in the sea of roiling ire yet.
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Live long and prosper, oh sure. Now, unfortunately I can't think of any particularily poignant Star Trek-related commentary for this picture, my sci-fi knowledge is limited to Barbarella and Fantastic Planet. I'm sure any of you reading now who do have any degree of Trek savvy could easily hypothesize that this wench don't know jack shit. I do feel safe in saying these types of hussies need to be put in a stasis field. |
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Are you an artist, too? Is that it? Did you somehow manage to get paint everywhere except the front of your glasses because they don't actualoly have lenses in them? |
So what actually defines someone as a nerd, anyway? The tables haven't really been turned, we just have an outpourring of people who say one thing and do another, this time wearing glasses. Most of what we at BCHF consider to be legitimately geeky is a combination of social ineptitude and love of knowledge. Seems simple enoughm but these days they find ways to bastardize anything, and I have to stress it takes more than liking video games and main-stream fantasy to make you truly nerdy. True nerds like to delve as deeply and obscurely as they possibly can into various subjects, often the more nebulous the more appealing. Here is a very brief list of some things most Hot Topic "nerds" don't really want to talk about, but if any of them interest you then welcome aboard.
Czech animators
Anthropology, not Anthropologie
Special FX makeup and staged gore
Movies you can't even find on Netflix
Outsider Artists, such as our favorite, Henry Darger
Eastern European etchings
Horrible things that have happened in history
Thinking in general or being able to occupy oneself without any external stimuli
Foreign policy and how none of it works
Comic Books not necessarily created by Marvel or DC, or based on motion pictures
Set Design
Model Building
How the human brain and body work
What animals look like without their skin, or as only skin
How to create pigment using natural compounds
Taxidermy forms
Diagrams of anything
Taking things apart whether or not you put them back together again
Where our food comes from
Anything concerning worldly problems and grievances
Conspiracy Theories
Time-Lapse photography
The creepier and sillier aspects of various religions
Rareties of any kind and prizing their acquisition
The evolution of language
Art History
How various organisms defecate and similarily, how to replicate different types of scatological matter in artificial but highly-believable form
Cartoons from around the world
Learning anything, or being interested
Human psychology, Body language, and sociology
And so much more....
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We have already done a number of posts about lame tattoos...This type of sleeve is what we refer to as "nebulous filler just for the hell of it" |
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You know how alcoholics will never admit to being one, or people who talk all the time about being depressed rarely are? It applies to almost everything |
I don't know who started pumping out clear-glass knock-off Wayfarers, but they certainly have ruined my life just a tiny bit more than usual.
A quick note from HF:
This is me, HF, to you little bitches. I NEED WAYFARERS TO SEE! I keep a dictionary with me when I read!I am terrified of parties. I encourage research during times of boredom. Fuck you.
The fact of the matter is, there will never be a lack of actual nerds, but these days you can bet your ass they aren't the folk at the coffee shop who are wearing goofy spectacles. No, these days true geekery is pushed even further into the outskirts of society. Now we are even less accepted because we have to compete with the popularized version of ourselves.
*This is actually pretty interesting for those of you who like gruesome facts. Whereas durring the Salem witch trials they tied a woman to the stake and then started the fire around her, in Germany a few hundred years before (I know this because of Carl Theodor Dreyer's Day of Wrath) they would have the flaming pyre already started, tie the woman to the pole on the ground, raise her up and then drop her face-first into the flames.
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