Sunday, March 28, 2010

Swedish town applauds rapist

This is basically that one South Park episode where they have a convicted murderer freed because he's from South Park.

The Local: Girl raped and rejected by Swedish community
A storm of outrage has met revelations by Sveriges Television (SVT) that a 14-year-old girl from a small Swedish community was raped at her school only to be rejected by her friends and adult society when she reported the attack.

I could quote all of the article, and I could write a book about this whole topic. I intend to return to it in future posts, but for now, suffice to say that this is an old, old story, here taken to tragicomic extremes.

A 15-year old boy raped a 14-year-old girl. Despite his initial denial, there was forensic evidence and witness statements supporting the girl, and he confessed and was convicted. Despite this, the community decided that it must somehow all be her fault. At the end-of-term ceremony at the local church, he was celebrated as a hero.

Later that same night, he raped a 17-year-old.

The community he lives in believes that this, too, is a fabrication, and the boy is innocent of both crimes. He is a local hero.

This is the year 2010, in Sweden. You can rape two underage girls and be the town hero for doing it.

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