Monday, September 19, 2011

Worst New Movie Poster of the Week

(Official movie poster for upcoming movie Abduction.)


*Besides the film's title and tagline, nothing else about this poster relates to/hints at the movie's plot.

 *Taylor Lautner's character doesn't even look in character- the up-close shot makes it worse--- it looks like a up-close shot of Lautner.

**A better poster would be Lautner's character's face on the cliched, milk carton.
 Or, Lautner's character eating breakfast in the kitchen with his fake family and a milk carton with his face on it is in the trash- or on the table- but placed so only his family sees it, or the viewer.

(Alternate poster for upcoming movie Abduction.)


*The poster's scenario looks too implausible for a teen- it also just looks badly reproduced as a whole.

**A better poster would be Lautner's character about to jump from a rooftop to another rooftop--- with police force helicopter lights shining all around him.


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