Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I need some help.  I have a decision to make.  Recently, I have had an offer from another company and I am considering taking the job.  Unfortunately, this is not an easy choice to make.  Allow me to list the Pros/Cons for each place.

The Place That Shall Not Be Named
-Vacation Time:  As of now, I get three weeks of paid vacation per year, plus the option to purchase a week (which, I did this year, and it only comes to $27 each pay.) 
-I have plenty of friends there and that is where I met Lindsey.
-I am on a path to being promoted.
-From where we live, I have more options of places I can go to work.  TPTSNBN has at least eight different places I can work at from here.
-Comfortable and knowledgeable.

-I have to work third shift.
-I cannot have a beard.
-Lower pay.
-Opportunities to move past GM.

The New Place
-Higher base pay, bigger bonus.
-More locations across the country.
-No third shift.
-Fresh start.
-Allows a beard.

-No vacation for a year, after that I only get one week after my first year, then two weeks after two years.  I will be 36 by the time I get back to three weeks.
-Longer hours.  No one would say this to me, but it seems that the managers work longer hours than we do.  Will I see Lindsey less?
-Fear of the unknown.  I have to learn everything again, I have to be the bottom guy.  I worked hard to move past that, do I really want to go back to the beginning?
-More locations around the country, but less in this area.  I would only have two options.

What would you folks do if you were me?

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